
5 Reasons Your Business Needs to Post to Facebook 2x a day, Every day

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If you run a business, you know there are dozens of reasons to be on Facebook. The first is that Facebook is the largest social media platform in the world, and that there are millions of people who use it daily. The truth is, how you interact on Facebook makes a major difference in the overall trajectory of your business. If you’re not posting regularly or posting the right things, you risk missing out on traffic you could be earning. Fortunately, there are ways to get around this and to create a social posting strategy that truly works for you and your life. Moreover, one that works for your business. Here’s what you need to know about why interacting more on Facebook is such a great idea.

The Benefits of Facebook Interaction

First things first: why does interacting on Facebook matter so much? Here are a few things you should  know:
  • Facebook messenger has more than 600 million users
  • There are 20,000 people on Facebook every single second, which amounts to 11 million users on Facebook every 18 minutes
  • Facebook users are accessing Facebook from their mobile platforms 79% of the time
  • 50,000 messages are sent on   every minute
  • 500,000 Facebook likes each minute
  • Every hour, Facebook generates $1.4 million in revenue
  • Facebook earns $2.5 billion a quarter from mobile advertising
  • People share 1.3 million pieces of content each minute on Facebook
  • Facebook’s user base is 66% millennials

Why You Should Post 2x Daily on Facebook

When it comes to Facebook, there’s a solid two-a-day rule that holds pretty true. There are many reasons for this. The first is that posting twice a day is essential for any company with a substantial Facebook following. In these cases, posting twice a day is almost literally the only way to maximize clicks and engagement on content. There are also many other reasons to post twice a day on Facebook. Here are some of the largest:

1. Posting Twice Daily Hits Your Entire Audience

Facebook’s algorithm has undergone many changes in recent years. Because of this, posting twice daily is one of the best ways to ensure that you’re actually reaching your entire audience. If you only post once a day, you’ll miss certain audiences that aren’t on Facebook at certain times. When you post twice a day, you’ll hit your entire audience and ensure that everyone sees the content you have to offer. What’s more, posting twice a day is a great way to reuse content or share new material with people.

2. Posting Twice a day Keeps You Accountable

It’s easy to lapse when you start posting on Facebook. Fortunately, committing to a twice-daily posting schedule will keep you accountable and on top of things. This is especially true for brands that are looking to create solid and specific outcomes for their brands. When you post twice a day, it’s easier than ever before to do this.

3. More Engagement Means More Sales

It’s simple math: the more engagement you get on your Facebook page, the more sales you’re going to make. Here’s a simple breakdown:
  • More engagement on your page means a higher rank for your page
  • More reach on your page means more traffic to your website and blogs
  • More reach for your blog posts means more clicks on your posts
  • More sales mean more money for you and your company
Think all these results sound great? Perfect, but you can’t achieve them without posting regularly to Facebook. Unless you spend a significant amount of time on the platform, your customers won’t reward you with their engagement or interaction.   With this in mind, keep your engagement on the Facebook platform routine and regular. It’s the best way to create more engagement and, ultimately, to drive more sales.

4. Facebook Wins for Referral Traffic

Of all the social media platforms out there, Facebook drives the most referral traffic of anything. Compared to Pinterest, YouTube, and Twitter, Facebook is the heavy-hitter when it comes to driving traffic and keeping your brand in front of customers. In December of 2014, for example, Facebook drove nearly 25% of all web referral traffic, compared to the 31.24% driven collectively by all other social sites combined. If you’re still using search as your primary source of traffic, this major boost in social referrals could be a huge boon for your company. Especially as search traffic continues to change, social media referral traffic continues to become more important. The catch, though, is that you can only take advantage of this social referral traffic if you frequently post on the platform.

5. Facebook Currently Houses More Than 40 Million Active Pages for Small Business Users

While it may seem like there’s no reason to put yourself in the line of fire and compete with 40 million other small businesses, this is more of a “keeping up with the Joneses” situation. If you’re not on the same platform as 40 million other competitors, you’re going to miss out on traffic, sales, and conversions that should have and could have been yours. With this in mind, it pays to get onto Facebook, carve out your niche, and commit to a regular posting schedule for the sake of keeping your audience engaged and attached.

The Case for Facebook

Facebook is a powerful marketing platform, and it deserves an active spot in your marketing arsenal. If you’re not posting twice daily on the platform, though, you’re not using it to its full potential. By posting twice daily on the platform, you stand to increase engagement with your customers, ensure your posts are reaching your entire audience (rather than just part of it), drive attention around your sales, events, and promotions, and create a dynamic and exciting Facebook page experience that will keep customers coming back for more. If you’re having trouble maintaining the 2x weekly Facebook posting schedule, one of your best options is to enlist a professional agency that will work with you to ensure you’re managing the platform the way you want to, and that your customers are getting what they need from your agency. Our team is here to ensure you get quality Facebook posting and management services, no matter what kind of company you run. Contact us today to learn more about our social media engagement services, or to select your ideal package now.

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Meet The Doctor


Dr Sam Magellan

Dr Sam is a National Board Certified Doctor of Chiropractic and a Longtime resident of Northeast Arkansas. He graduated from Logan College of Chiropractic in 1995 and moved back to Jonesboro to serve the community in both his clinic and by becoming a community activist. He is deeply involved in the Jonesboro Lions Club and with the Jonesboro Chamber of Commerce Community Outreach Program. Dr Sam specializes in helping his patients treat their headaches and low back pain through the use of Chiropractic care as well as home management.

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